ACP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) treatment using your own blood is a modern treatment procedure. It is classified as regenerative medicine. In orthopaedics, we use treatment with your own blood for arthritis, joint problems caused by wear and tear, sports injuries, tendon damage and tendosynovitis.
In this kind of therapy, the affected parts are treated with your own plasma. The growth factors contained in the blood have a positive effect on the healing process. This means that operations such as the implantation of artificial joints can be delayed or, in the best case, even avoided.
Treatment using your own blood is of great importance in the treatment of arthritis. There is a clear trend towards using the body’s own materials in the treatment of arthritis. Studies have shown the effectiveness of autologous conditioned plasma treatment for arthritis compared to other substances.
This treatment can slow down the degenerative processes and thus delay the advance of the arthritis. The treatment can lead to a long-term reduction in pain and improved mobility of the joints affected by arthritis.
By conditioning the blood, you get plasma with a concentration of thrombocytes (blood platelets) 2 to 3 times the normal.
The effect of autologous conditioned plasma treatment is based on the release of the growth factors from the thrombocytes. These can introduce a self-repair process, activate various cell types (e.g., stem cells) and improve the production of collagens at the affected points.
Autologous conditioned plasma treatment is a gentle procedure. As the body’s own active substances are used, the treatment has no side-effects. The filtered growth factors accelerate the healing process. You can be treated as an outpatient and you can go straight home afterwards.
The procedure involves quantity of your blood being taken and then centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1500 rpm. This separates out the heavy components of the blood. The remaining blood plasma and thus the regenerative components of the blood are injected into the affected joint or tendons within half an hour. The high concentration of growth factors contained in it are the key to the healing process.
There is a great range of circumstances for which autologous conditioned plasma treatment is appropriate. Amongst other things, it can be used where the following indications apply:
Autologous conditioned plasma treatment is not covered by the statutory health insurers.
Dr. Klotz has many years of experience with autologous conditioned plasma treatment for arthritis.
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