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Meine Fachgebiete
Hier finden Sie ein Zusammenstellung meiner Fachgebiete und eine kurze Beschreibung zum jeweiligen Themenkomplex

Perthes Disease

Perthes disease is a childhood hip disorder. 4 times more boys are affected than girls. The disorder usually occurs between the ages of 5 and 7. More rarely, Perthes disease can occur in infants or late onset Perthes in children older than eight. The cause of the disease is not fully understood.

Disruption to the blood supply cause changeprocesses in the hip joint which can lead to deformation of the femoral head and in rare cases to the hip socket. This deformation of the hip joint can lead later to premature arthritis of the hip.

What symptoms indicate Perthes disease? 

Typical symptoms are recurrent hip or knie pain and a limping gait . The mobility of the hip is restricted due to the pain. In most cases, only one side is affected, it is much less common that both sides are affected. Children often complain of pain in the knee.

Whatare the causes of Perthes disease? 

The exact cause is bont known. Together with various genetic components, it appearsthat passive smoking and delayed bone growth have a considerable effect on the occurrence of the disease.

Perthes disease – diagnosis 

An unltrasound examination of the hip jointwill show whether theer is increased liquid in the joint. However, this would also apply in Jedoch trifft dies auch auf supporating inflammations or an irritable hip. Irregularities in the femoral head can only be diagnosed by ultrasound in advanced stages. Therefore X-rays and in some cases a magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) scan will be necessary to diagnose the disease.

Perthes disease – Treatment 

Treatment must be decided individually for every child. Depending on the characteristics, i recommend conservative treatment or an operation for your child. Intensive physiotherapy is always the first option. It is important tomaintain mobiity of the hip joint to best avoid deformation of the femoral head. It is also important for  the pelvis to offer the femoral head sufficient bony covering, so that there is no reduction in the rounding of the head. Therefore, in some cases an operation is necessary, to avoid later arthritis of the hip.

Please get in touch. We would love to hear from you!


Along with my work as Senior Consultant at the University Hospital in Linz, I run my “Wahlarzt” [elective doctor] surgeries in Linz and Vienna. I will be pleased to give you comprehensive advice there.

Marienkrankenhaus Soest

Chefarzt Orthopädie & Unfallchirurgie
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