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Gonarthrosis - Arthrosis of the knee

What is Gonarthrosis? 

Gonarthrosis is the overall term for degenerative disease of the knee without limitation of the cause. Next to the hip, the knee joint is the most frequently affected by wear. As with all arthroses, phases of acute pain (active arthritis) alternate with clinically inert phases (latent arthrosis) with gonarthrosis too.

Gonarthrosis - Causes

Arthrosis is the result of various biological and mechanical influences, which bring about an

irreversible disruption to the dynamic balance between build-up and reduction of the cartilage structure and thereby initiate the joint damage typical of arthritis. Reduction in cartilage, joint inflammation and bone changes follow. The patient perceives this as pain when starting to move and is affected by an increasing restriction of mobility in the knee.

A distinction is made between primary and secondary arthrosis. In primary arthrosis, the precise cause is not known. The cause of secondary arthrosis can be traced to mechanical abrasion or a faulty position.

By contrast to hip arthrosis, previous sporting injuries and the consequences of accidents have a role in arthritis of the knee. A tear in the meniscus or a cruciate ligament tear in youth often lead to late consequences in the cartilage, especially if the injury was not appropriately treated. Obesity is another risk factor for premature wear of the knee joint.

Gonarthrosis Treatment

If the diagnosis is made early, the wear can be restricted, and progress slowed by cartilage regenerating treatment.

Arthritis treatment should address specifically each of the important factors of pain, restrictions of function, and structure disorders.

Dr. Klotz will work out a treatment concept individually aligned to your difficulties. In so doing, he draws on all therapeutic options and successful treatments and avoids all unnecessary loads on your body.

After conservative treatment has been exhausted and there is no further effect, surgical treatment is the only option.

Read more about Knee Replacement

Dr. Klotz is an experienced specialist in knee replacements. He is a senior consultant at the Maximum Care Joint Replacement Centre. Dr. Klotz’s engagement reaches far beyond clinical patient care. Dr. Klotz has worked in many clinical and experimental investigations with the knee joint, the diseases and surgical provision possibilities.

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Along with my work as Senior Consultant at the University Hospital in Linz, I run my “Wahlarzt” [elective doctor] surgeries in Linz and Vienna. I will be pleased to give you comprehensive advice there.

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